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26th State-of-the-Art in Facial Aesthetics

Jung Hotel,
New Orleans, LA

March 28-31, 2019

Register Now

Decide Who Your “Preferred” Patient is

Guest Article by Symposium Presenter Catherine Maley, MBA

Thanks to the economic, social and technological trends, and with the help of the Kardashians, plastic surgery has gone mainstream. That means anybody can be in the market for your services.

However, you will run out of time, money and energy marketing to everybody for every procedure you offer.

So fine-tune your focus on one procedure matched to one demographic. For example, focus on breast augmentation and cater to the young girl in her 20’s or focus on the facelift and cater to the 50+ women.

Consider this carefully and review your objectives. Determine what will grow your practice not only quickly but also for the long run. For example, the young breast aug patient is an easy target; however, it can cost a fortune to compete for their attention since the competition is tough. They can be a one-hit wonder and not need anything else for decades.

Whereas, the more mature patient needs more of your services, has more financial wherewithal and cares more about your skill and education than saving money. They also can be more loyal and refer more often.

The point is, decide who you want to cater to and then map out your marketing plan to reach them.

Want More? Get a Free Marketing Checklist at www.CosmeticImageMarketing.com. Catherine Maley, MBA is an author, speaker, writer, consultant and trainer for the plastic surgery industry since Year 2000. She offers done-for-you marketing and staff training so plastic surgeons who want more patients and more profits.

Want even more?

Register for a webinar with Catherine Maley on this topic. The FFAS Webinar Wednesday will take place on August 15, 2 – 3 pm EDT.  The webinar will also feature Jonathan Kaplan, MD, and Candace Crowe, Course Director.


26th State-of-the-Art in Facial Aesthetics

At the Jung Hotel in New Orleans

March 28-31, 2019

Symposium Sponsors

Candace Crowe Design Galderma logo Allergan